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Does full SSD decrease FPS?

FPS of your computer determines the smoothness of a video play on your system. As you may already know, videos are a series of pictures that are displayed in a linear sequence at a really fast rate. The rate at which the pictures are displayed is measured in FPS, Frames Per Second. This is the number of frames of pictures displayed in a second.

Factors that affect the FPS.

The most obvious factor that can affect FPS is the display screen. With a display screen that has a lower refresh rate, the FPS can not exceed that of the monitor. Currently, the most popular monitors have a 60Hz refresh rate. This means that the FPS that can be displayed on such monitors can get up to 60 frames per second.

What is an SSD?

An SSD is a modern storage device that has come to replace the HDD storage devices of computers. The SSD is faster in data recording and retrieval than the HDD. Simply put, the SSD is the Upgrade of the HDD.

Does full SSD decrease FPS?

A full SSD means that you can no longer store any more files on the drive. This does not in any way affect the display frames of your computer. SSD has no effect on your computer’s FPS. The only thing that an SSD affects is the loading time of your programs and files.
