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How long does a Pixel phone last?

What is Pixel?

Pixel was announced as the best and better of all electronics in the last 2 years in 2020 but after the following year which was 2021, the iphone SE which is from the Apple company came into to be the best phone among all. The camera of Pixels is good.

when was Pixel announced?

Pixel was announced about 8 to 9 years ago which was done by the company Google. There is no device that can be more powerful and special than the Pixel. It takes only the Apple device to be so and even that one is not all which can be possible. Pixel has been announced and officially launched in 2013.

How long does a Pixel phone last?

Pixel has many years which can be able to last for. Some of the pixel Phones even last about 3 years while others keep pushing to the 5 to 6 years. The pixel 6 pro for example has the power to last for a very long time like 6 years. Some of the pixels can even last for about 7 to 8 years. But many times it all depends on the User how careful the user will be using is determined by how far and long the duration of which it can be able to take in the system. Some of the Pixel for example have their duration in the system of the 1-year ot a yeathatst is Pixel 5.

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