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How much money do you get from 1 million views on YouTube Shorts?


YouTube is a fantastic place for creators to monetize their work. But how much money do you get from YouTube for a million views? Know that you are most certainly not the only one if you have this question.

We’re enjoying one of our favourite YouTubers’ fantastic videos when all of a sudden, our thoughts begin to stray. We ponder what it might be like to start our own YouTube channel. You wonder how much money they make and what kind of lifestyle they have.

How much money do you get from 1 million views on YouTube Shorts?

If you surpass 1 million views, you may expect to make an average of more than $5700. About $5.75 is the average revenue per million views (RPM).

Your region and audience demographics have an impact on your overall YouTube profits, as we previously highlighted.

The report previously referenced estimates that English-speaking country YouTubers made about $6500 annually. YouTubers from other nations, on the other hand, made about $816.