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What are the structure of IoT?


IoT architecture is made up of the hardware, networks, and cloud technologies that enable interoperability between IoT devices. A fundamental IoT architecture has three layers:

  • Perception (sensors, gadgets, and other technologies) (the sensors, gadgets, and other devices)
  • Network (the link between devices) (the connectivity between devices).
  • Application (the layer the user interacts with) (the layer the user interacts with).

These layers provide IoT device support by gathering and processing data. This architecture goes beyond the OSI model by incorporating the conversion of data into information that may be used. Through the use of automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, these insights enable organizations to take quick action.

IoT architecture is used by administrators to monitor and support IoT devices. IoT devices can range from a pressure safety sensor in a chemical plant to an internet-connected lightbulb.

What are the structure of IoT?

Three layers make up the foundation of an IoT architecture: Perception (the sensors, gadgets, and other technologies) (the sensors, gadgets, and other devices) Network (the link between devices) (the connectivity between devices) Application (the layer the user interacts with) (the layer the user interacts with)
