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What increases FPS in a PC?


Gaming on a console is simple because every piece of hardware has been fine-tuned for excellent gameplay, and games are always designed with the performance limitations of the platform in mind.

On the other side, PC gaming can be significantly less reliable, with inconsistent hardware, outdated graphics cards, and outdated software drivers all contributing to occasionally poor game performance.

If your video lags or stutters, your PC may need to be adjusted to increase its frame rate, which is expressed in frames per second fps .

Before you begin modifying your PC, you should be aware of two statistics: your current frame rate, which is stated in frames per second (fps), and the monitor’s refresh rate, which is expressed in hertz (Hz).

We’ll start by locating the refresh rate as it’s simple to do so. There is no benefit to having a frame rate quicker than this since this is monitoring how many times your monitor redraws the screen per second. You should aim for a frame rate of 60 frames per second because most monitors have a refresh rate of 60Hz.

What increases FPS in a PC?

FPS, or frames per second, can be raised by improving your computer’s gaming settings. Frame rate is a measurement of how fluidly games and visually demanding content play on your PC.

If FPS is less than the refresh rate of your monitor, performance might be enhanced.



