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Who owns Dragon Ball Z Copyright?

What is the Dragon Ball?

This is a famous media franchise that has caught the attention of a lot of people, especially game lovers. With the popular Goku character in the play, the franchise has become one of the most enjoyed franchises across the globe.

Dragon Ball is a Japanese media franchise that started way back in 1984. It was started by Akira Toriyama who wrote the initial story and published it in a magazine owned by Shueisha. The inspiration behind the story came from a popular Chinese movie called “journey to the west”. With the introduction of the Son Goku character, the story was a major blast throughout the world.

Son Goku was a boy with a tail who practices Chinese martial art. He also has special superhuman powers. This character was based on Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee, famous for their martial art techniques in movies.

What is Dragon ball Z?

As the name already suggests, Dragon Ball Z is another release under the Dragon Ball series. It is an anime TV series that was produced by Toei Animation. This does not mean that Dragon Ball Z is not part of the Dragon Ball franchise. This series was aired from April 1989 to January 1996.

Who owns Dragon Ball Z Copyright?

The right to Dragon Ball Z is reserved for the Toei Animation company. This gives the company all the rights over the property.