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Why Kratos is the best character?


Kratos Ancient Greek: o lit. strength  Old Norse: Fárbauti lit. fierce striker is the protagonist of Santa Monica Studio’s God of War series, which is based on Greek and, later, Norse mythology.

He first appeared in the 2005 video game God of War, which spawned eight additional titles with the character as the protagonist.

Kratos also appears as the protagonist of comic series published in 2010 and 2018, as well as three novels that retell the events of three of the games.

Terrence C. Carson provided the character’s voice from 2005 to 2013, with Christopher Judge taking over in the 2018 sequel, also titled God of War. In God of War: Ghost of Sparta, Antony Del Rio played the character as a child.

Why Kratos is the best character?

Kratos’ character has been well received by video game publications. Kratos was described as a sympathetic antihero and a “badass” by GameSpot, and he was endearing due to his unforgiving demeanour, but the slow-developing story gave players “no understanding [of him]” in the game’s early stages.
