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Can Face ID work with a picture?


Face ID has prompted numerous discussions concerning privacy and security. Apple asserts that Face ID has statistically superior fingerprint scanning technology than Touch ID.

There are noticeably fewer false positives with it. Even yet, Face ID has had trouble telling apart sets of identical twins.

The chance of the system being overcome using images or masks is significantly reduced by a number of security features, and only one proof-of-concept attempt employing in-depth scans has been successful.

The absence of legal safeguards provided by biometric systems in comparison to passcode authentication is still up for debate in the US. While Apple places strict restrictions on how developers handle facial data, privacy activists have expressed alarm about the “rough maps” of user facial data that are accessible to third-party app developers.

Face IDs may not be able to identify users who are hiding their faces on some devices. In response to criticism, Apple made passcode input faster and gave Apple Watch owners the option to confirm their intent before unlocking their iPhones. For iPhone 12 and subsequent devices, Apple added mask-compatible Face ID in iOS 15.4 published in March 2022.

Can Face ID work with a picture?

No, because The general consensus is that Apple’s Face ID cannot be unlocked using a photo or printed image. “Face ID matches against depth,” asserts Apple.
