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Can you still play Windows 95 games?


Although the first version of the Windows operating system was introduced in 1985, Windows 95 was the first to truly become a household name.

Many of the Windows features that you might be familiar with right away, including the Start menu, were first introduced in this version. Additionally, it enabled intense PC games in the 3D format, such as Sim City 2000 and DOOM.

Windows compatibility mode has been around since Windows 2000 and is still a feature that customers can use to run older Windows 95 games on more recent Windows 10 PCs.

However, you should think about some of the security dangers associated with this approach before you start. Older software, including games, may include security weaknesses that could endanger your computer.

If you’re unsure, it’s generally advisable to utilize a virtual machine instead, which will execute your game in a completely sandboxed environment.

Can you still play Windows 95 games?

While earlier Windows 95 games cannot be played without the installation of third-party software, games like Solitaire may still be played on Windows. Since the 1990s, Windows has changed, and support for earlier software is frequently at best spotty.