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How much do you get paid for videos on YouTube?


Numerous studies have shown that YouTubers may make, on average, $0.18 per ad view using AdSense, with earnings ranging from $0.10 to $0.30. As a result, it ranges from $3 to $5 for every 1,000 views of a video.

You must accept Google’s 32/68 split of the ad revenue for all YouTube content creators in order to enable adverts on your videos. This means that for every $100 an advertiser spends, Google keeps $32 and you get the remaining $68.

Therefore, there is no such thing as a set payment that you receive for a certain number of views.

Anyway, you have many options for increasing your income, such as affiliate marketing or sponsorship agreements. We may still attempt to calculate the possible revenue per YouTube view from various sources and discuss some tactics to boost revenue.

How much do you get paid for videos on YouTube?

YouTube’s payment for a video depends on several variables, including the number of views and other potential sources of income. We finished the study, and I’m here to present the results.