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Is the switch OLED worth it?


Now that the device is finally available, I believe both arguments are valid. It’s just that for current Switch owners, the “missed opportunity” argument holds more weight.

First and foremost, if you haven’t read our Nintendo Switch OLED review, you should. In it, I go into great detail about the Switch OLED’s strengths and weaknesses, from its excellent screen to its conservative components.

If you don’t have time to read the whole thing right now, the bottom line is this: If you’re a first-time Switch buyer, go with the $350 Switch OLED rather than the $300 base Switch. If you already have a base Switch model, there’s no reason to upgrade. I’d like to emphasize that point again because it has the potential to save you, the reader, a lot of money.

Is the switch OLED worth it?

Yes, the Nintendo Switch OLED has both excited and baffled fans since Nintendo announced it in July. A new Switch model with a nicer OLED screen and a more sturdy accessory sounded appealing.

Simultaneously, a new Switch model without 4K output or improved performance appeared to be a missed opportunity.