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Is uhd the same as 4K?


UHD and 4K are not in conflict with one another. The screen resolution is 4K. (the number of pixels that fit on a television screen or display). There is a small distinction between UHD and 4K, however, both terms are occasionally used to refer to it.

UHD stands for  Ultra High Definition and refers to the contrast or colour range between the lightest and darkest tones in an image. UHD delivers a higher contrast—or larger colour and brightness range—than Standard Dynamic Range (SDR), and is more visually impactful than 4K.

That said, 4K delivers a sharper, more defined image.

Is uhd the same as 4K?

People frequently mix up UHD and 4K, despite the fact that they are two entirely different qualities of a display. While 4K refers to a display’s capacity to dynamically modify visual properties like brightness, colour, and contrast, UHD refers to the resolution of the display (number of pixels).
