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What *#67# means on iPhone


All telephone switching systems provide a feature called call forwarding, sometimes known as call diversion that allows calls to be forwarded to a different location where the intended called party is present, such as a mobile phone, another mobile phone, or another phone line. Ernest J. B invented call forwarding.

To alert the customer using call forwarding that the call is being diverted, the forwarded line typically rings once in North America.

Call forwarding makes it possible to divert incoming calls to any other domestic phone number, but the owner of the forwarded line is still liable for any toll charges.

What *#67# means in iPhone

Even though call forwarding has many benefits, when it is turned on by a third party, it can seriously harm one’s privacy. In order to determine whether your calls are being redirected to a third party when you are occupied without your knowledge, dial *#67# to deactivate the action.

The history of all services that could be forwarded, including voice, data, FAQ, SMS, Sync, Async, Packet, and PAD, in addition to calls, is also stored.