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What happens when you delete DeviantART?


The largest online social network for artists and art lovers, DeviantArt provides a venue for both upcoming and established artists to display, market, and exchange their works with a passionate, art-focused community.

The business describes itself as a movement for the freedom of artistic expression. The platform also promotes the idea that art belongs to everyone and is developing the cultural framework in which it is produced, discovered, and disseminated.

DeviantArt prides itself on being a welcoming and encouraging community that promises to aid artists in discovering their identities via self-expression. And they think that as a platform, they can provide them with the exposure, tools, and resources they need to develop into stronger, more successful artists.

What happens when you delete DeviantART?

Your journals and deviations are all hidden from the public’s view, and they will be scheduled for destruction from the servers after 21 days. The portfolio you had is gone.

You must wait 21 days before using the same email address again if you deactivate it to clear up space on your account.

Please think about using a different email address or updating the email address on file for the account you’re deactivating if you need another account during this period.