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Which bike suits lean men?


Since there is no such thing as a slim guy and a man’s height and weight have no bearing on how much fun he will have riding a bike, he should opt for something relatively light.

The most important factor is how well we can ride and control the bike.

Which bike suits lean men?

Everyone advised me when I was choosing a motorcycle to choose the Duke 200 rather than the Bullet.

He said, “You can’t handle the bike, and you won’t be able to take it back because I’m a skinny guy,” but in the end, I was able to take a Royal Enfield classic 350, which I then drove to Goa with joy and pleasure. I found the road’s edges and curves to be really enjoyable. and I continue to solely use that bike right now. and I have control of the bicycle.

So choose your favourite bike, whether it’s a Royal Enfield or an R1. The sole requirement is to ride safely while wearing protective gear, primarily a helmet, and to understand how to control your beast.
