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Why can’t I log into DeviantArt?


DeviantArt began as a community of users who either submitted modified versions of existing computer programs or took original designs and updated them to suit their own tastes.

As the website evolved, users in general were referred to as artists and submissions as works of art. The Dmusic Network, a broader network of music-related websites, included DeviantArt when it was first introduced on August 7, 2000, by Scott Jarkoff, Matt Stephens, Angelo Sotira, and others.

The site prospered mostly as a result of its distinctive offering, the contributions of its core membership, and a group of volunteers following its introduction but was formally incorporated in 2001, some eight months after inception.

Why can’t I log into DeviantArt?

Search your browser for any active bots, extensions, user scripts, or mass image downloaders and turn them off. Additionally, your browser’s normal handling of additions, deletions, and modifications to cookies, as well as the browser’s cookie cache, could cause interference.

Usually, this occurs when the CSS file cannot be loaded by the browser. Ctrl+F5’s hard refresh can be helpful occasionally. In the worst-case scenario, you might need to reinstall your browser.

Make sure to completely disable any installed plugins or extensions for your browser.