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Can you grow California poppies in a pot?

The trick to growing California poppies in containers is to grow them from seed. With their long tap roots, the plants resent being transplanted. Treat container-grown poppies as a hardy annual, and pull them when they’re done blooming, as they are unlikely to last over the winter in a container.Click to see full answer. In this way, can you plant poppy seeds in a pot?Make sure that you place the pot in a bright position after planting seeds as poppy seeds require light to germinate. Also, most of the poppies do not like being transplanted, so either choose a pot that is biodegradable or plant seeds in the exact pot in which you wish to grow poppy plants later.Similarly, can you grow meconopsis in pots? Start in pots in a cold frame or indoors in March or April. Transplant 6-8 weeks after sowing. Keep soil moist, but not standing in water. Meconopsis does not respond well to transplanting, and at the best of times germination itself can be tricky. Additionally, can you grow California poppies indoors? With its orange, yellow or red cup-shaped flowers that close up at nighttime and during cloudy weather, the California poppy can adorn rock gardens, flowerbeds and borders. Even though you can germinate the seeds indoors, directly sowing California poppies outside is recommended, because they don’t transplant well.Should I soak poppy seeds before planting?Some gardeners advocate soaking the seeds in lukewarm water overnight before planting to rehydrate the seeds and give them a head start. Keep the soil moist, not wet. Despite their love of cool weather, please harden them off for a few days before planting them out.

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