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Can you travel with Starlink?


Starlink superimpose all the other internet access in the system now. Starlink has a speed of 150-500 Mbps per second. Starlink is faster in terms of working than fiber.

Because that is how it was created or manufactured. Starlink bill will be paid monthly after introducing it to the globe or the world. And will the internet live in the world?

Starlink is owned by Elon Musk but now has become a shareholder in UK and Canada. Elon Musk has a percentage of about 36 in Starlink and the rest are shared with the UK and Canada respectively.

Starlink very soon will be used by the whole world. And it may lead to the globe using one internet access. Starlink was officially announced and launched in 2019.

Can you travel with Starlink?

No. Starlink is not currently in a good position to be taken out with RVing.Though Starlink is wireless you can accommodate its hardware in your room to make it useful, before it can be possible you have to make it ready to register with a specific address to make it accessible.

One thing you should know is that Starlink is ready to travel in the regions of the US, Canada, and Abroad only. With exception of this area nowhere else.


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