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Does SM58 need phantom power?


Phantom power has many advantages over any sound that it possesses. This is because the phantom power in the sound has a massive impact on any sound it comes in contact with.

Phantom power is measured or known from 48V to 58V. The V is an alphabet while people also call it to be an abbreviation. The V simply means Volt. Because it is said to be measured in Volt when we talk in Sound.

Sound can be oppressed and suppressed by phantom and also can make quality with it.

Phantom power is very expensive and cheap because it is very important to others. Because some it depends on how it works for them. Phantom was officially announced in 1998 which can be calculated as 25years now.

Does SM58 need phantom power?

No, it can not be possible. No phantom needs SM58. The SM58 is one of the dynamic microphones. And this Dynamic doesn’t need any of the phantom’s power.

This stands for no reason that, it had no electronic power. People can also say that the SM58 has no active electronic power. However, people also prefer to add up phantom which is not a mistake because it won’t cause harm or damage to any of the devices in the system.

So it is up to the user to add up the phantom that he prefers to use.


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