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How Much Does It Cost To Replace A Movado Crystal?


How much does it cost to replace a Movado Crystal? Movado watches are expensive watches. Very much the most expensive watches in the market. A Movado watch can cost as high as a thousand dollars. This makes it very precious merchandise.

The glass on Movado watches is made of mineral glasses, very strong and almost infallible to scratch. Other minerals used in the creation of these watches are stainless steel, gold and diamonds.

Even though the watch is made from all these expensive minerals, I still think that the merchandise is totally overpriced for what is used for.

For this article, let’s say you’ve mistakenly broken the crystal on your Movado watch. Now, you want to know how much replacing it can cost you.

How Much Does It Cost To Replace A Movado Crystal?

Replacing a Movado crystal costs between $50 and $75 depending on the model that you own. Movado recommends that replacing a Movado crystal should be done by trained professionals to maintain the integrity of your watch.

You can send your broken Movado watch to the nearest Movado repair expert for your broken crystal to be replaced.

In conclusion, Movado watches can be repaired and shipped right back to you from watching gnome.

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