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What are customary units of length?

The customary system is the measurement system commonly used in the United States, including: feet, inches, pounds, cups, gallons, etc. Customary units of length include: inches, feet, yards and miles. A foot is a customary unit of measurement. There are 12 inches in 1 foot.Click to see full answer. Also, what is the length of a car in customary unit?The customary unit to the length of a car is meter. This is one of the units of the International System (SI).Also, what are customary and metric units? The customary system is the system of measurement primarily used in the United States. Units in this system include the inch, foot, mile, pound, and cup. The metric system is the system of measurement primarily used in science and in countries outside of the United States. Also to know, what are the customary units of weight? Customary units of weight. Weight is a quantity of heaviness. For example, you are measuring the weight of your body when you step on to a scale. In the customary system of measurement, the most common units of weight are the ounce (oz) and pound (lb).How is car length measured? Measure the length So the best way is, of course, to manually measure the length of your vehicle. Just use a yardstick from the rear to the front bumper and put it underneath the car to measure the length.

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