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What are some disadvantages of legalism?

What might be some disadvantages of legalism? too much government power. innocent people punished.Click to see full answer. Also asked, do people still practice legalism?Yes legalism is still around. Legalism today is not the same as it once was as it has changed over the years. Legalism is seen, to a lesser extent to what it once was, however in China the philosophy of legalism still exists in their governmental structure, political system and judicial systems.Also Know, what are the beliefs of legalism? The basic presupposition of [Legalism] is that people are naturally inclined to wrongdoing, and therefore the authority of laws and the state are required for human welfare. This school is opposed to Confucianism in that, especially after Mengzi, Confucianism emphasized the inherent goodness of human nature (208). Hereof, why legalism is the best? Legalists believed that people were driven by self-interest. They believed that to be good members of society, people had to be controlled by a strong ruler, strict laws, and harsh punishments. The ruler should be all- powerful. The first emperor believed that Legalism would help him rule his empire.What is the holy book for legalism?Sacred Texts: Han Feizi, or Basic Writings: instructed rulers to strengthen their state by enforcing strict laws including severe punishments; in hope this would solve China’s political issues.

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