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Why is Apple so famous?


Apple is one of the few tech companies doing soo well in the world of technology. They have for decades now, been able to keep their market cap very high.

Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company. Their work is that they specialize in consumer electronics, software and online services.

Some of the products released under them are iPhone, Mac, iPad, Wearables, Home and Accessories.

Why is Apple so famous?

Apple products have won the hearts of many and stood the test of time as far as security is concerned. Apple products have some appreciable level of security. Since every customer wants their data to be secured at any point in time, the product that comes to mind if they intend to buy one is Apple.

Apple products are also famous for how fast they operate. Unlike android which takes some time in processing, Apple is very fast.

The enthusiasm that greats the release of the latest Apple product every year and the rush to get it cannot be underestimated.

Using Apple products comes with some “prestige”

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